Traditional Art

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"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection."

What is art? It's quite easy to define, yet extremely difficult sometimes to understand.

Art is exactly that, art. It is, in fact, everything that is created. The very planet we live on is work of art. The moon, the stars, the universe, are all works of art. And since everything comes from the universe, everything by definition is art.

That doesn't mean that we like everything we see, far from it actually. BUT, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not art. Just because something is anti-religion, anti-race, anti freakin ANYTHING, doesn't mean it's not art.

Even deviantArt accepts that just because it's not ACCEPTABLE, it in fact is still art. Racist art, hate art, pornographic art, they are all still art, they are just not acceptable by the standards of society.

The fact is, if something wasn't art, it would never be created. Everything ever created was appreciated by someone, somewhere, therefore, by DEFINITION, making it art.

There are many standards however. We as a society judge everything on a system of merits. We attempt to quantify and qualify everything in the universe in an attempt to understand it. But art, by it's nature, CANNOT be understood by everyone. It cannot be qualified and quantified.

As human beings, with our ability to use, and lose, logic, we try to force our concepts of what things should be on everything we see and do. We are wrong to do this, understanding comes in time, when it's needed, it cannot be forced to happen on a set schedule.

This is what Britannica Online defines art as:

"The use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others."

By that very definition, my point is proven, anything and everything created is art, what makes it difficult to understand is how it's PERCEIVED. And everyone, everywhere, sees everything that happens differently, no two points of view are the same.

Everyone's skills are different, some have more, some have less, some are not appreciated for what they created until long after they are gone from this world.

Just because YOU didn't create it, doesn't mean it's not art. Just because it's not the original, doesn't mean it's not art. Just because it's a picture, a painting, a book, a sculpture, a building, a digital rendering, DOES NOT MEAN IT'S NOT ART.

Everything is art.

I freely admit that I don't like everything I see, and that I wish that the definition of art was different, but it's not, and I accept that.

If you want somone to consider what you do as art, and to appreciate it for what it is, you must respect what they do as art, even if you don't like it.

Everything is art, everything is created.

This is some or my art:

Replica Jerzy Fedro

Replica Jerzy Fedro

Phoenix Bird - "Rebirth"

Scaun Fendi - "Fendi casa"

High school Uniform

My eye - In the making


My sister Patricia

Oil painting on canvas - "Angel"

Tattoo design - "Ace & Joker"

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. "
(Henry Ward Beecher)

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